CompTIA Network+ (4 days)
CompTIA Network+ merupakan sertifikasi vendor netral dari CompTIA (tidak mengacu pada produk vendor tertentu) yang membahas dan menguji pemahaman teknologi infrastruktur jaringan sehingga peserta mampu menjalankan peran sebagai network support atau network administrator. Program ini menyiapkan seorang administrator jaringan komputer yang handal dan kompeten, menguasai seluk-beluk pengelolaan infrastruktur jaringan komputer serta solusi-solusi berbagai permasalahannya. Setelah mengikuti training CompTIA Network+, peserta akan dapat dengan mudah mengikuti materi training Networking Technology lainnya seperti Cisco CCNA dan CCNP
Target Peserta
Professional TI bidang Jaringan Komputer
Dosen atau Staff Pengajar bidang Komunikasi Data dan Jaringan Komputer
Network Administrator dan Technical Support
Konsultan TI bidang Jaringan Komputer dan
Mahasiswa yang sudah memiliki pengalaman bidang Jaringan Komputer atau pernah mengambil kuliah Jaringan Komputer.
Individu yang ingin mengikut Sertifikasi CompTIA Network+
Network basics
- Describe the basic components of a network
- Identify characteristics of network technologies
- Analyze the OSI model
Wired computer-to-computer connections
- Identify wired network cables and connectors
- Install and configure network interface and modem PCI cards
Network-to-network connections
- Identify network-to-network connection components
- Install LAN wiring
- Identify LAN wiring tests and equipment
Wired internetworking devices
- Differentiate between basic internetworking devices
- Identify specialized internetworking devices
Wired communication standards
- Describe the functions of the protocols in the TCP/IP protocol suite
- Configure TCP/IP
- Install and configure DHCP and DHCPv6
Wireless networking
- Identify the hardware components needed to create a wireless connection
- Differentiate between the various communications standards used in wireless networks
- Install and configure a wireless network connection
Security threats and mitigation
- Describe and explain common security threats
- Explain ways to mitigate security threats
Security practices
- Secure an operating system
- Secure network devices
Network access control
- Explain network authentication methods
- Explain the basic concepts behind public key infrastructure
- Explain the methods of remote access security
- Explain the methods to secure a wireless network
- Monitor the network
- Read event logs to monitor network activity
- Explain the basic troubleshooting steps and prepare toolkits for troubleshooting
- Troubleshoot the physical and logical network
- Implement a network troubleshooting methodology based on a given scenario
Rp. 4.500.000,- per peserta
Informasi Jadwal Training